Thesis Topic: Middle School Virtual Learning Goal: help middle school children adapt, navigate, and learn in the online learning environment. Audience: Middle School Students & Teachers Invision Link: OctoEd website mobile version Invision Link: OctoEd Virtual Learning Platform Debrief us on what happened in user testing, including how it might affect your project, and what you plan to do about it. Examine your materials matrix, timeline, and strategies, and then tell us how you plan to adjust your strategies, designs, or deliverables Website: users found the website easy to navigate, pleasing to look at and easy to read. They both wanted to see more and to get an opportunity to view examples of the learning platform as well as a run-through (coming when I produce the video after the platform is complete). Both were also interested in seeing the desktop version as they would be more likely to visit the website on their computer. Remediation:
User testing had some hiccups this week. I had a family of 3 middles schoolers and 2 parents that I was visiting in PA this week to test both my learning platform and website, however I had to find replacements. One of my young users was hospitalized so I was unable to visit as the family was busy dealing with that and getting her better. I plan on still getting their input once she is home and healthy. I was able to contact two teacher friends and 2 middle school age kids last minute to run though the prototypes for me following my directions, and then answers questions about their experience and to provide feedback/suggestions. Next time I will get the prototypes done sooner so I have more time to deal with unexpected hiccups! I will also line up more users. How might you use your thesis project to tell stories, run experiments, facilitate interactions, entertain people, cajole responses, and link media? Creating scenarios for the user to run through makes it interesting to showcase what the platform can do. I think I could use that storytelling element t and anecdotes from real classroom experiences to show how OctoEd will solve though classroom hiccups. Describe the most useful and interesting things you have learned this module. I think hearing how the users reacted to the social media outlet within the learning platform was exciting and helpful to know that I am on the right track. I also learned that things do always go as planned and to have a backup!
Thesis Topic: Middle School Virtual Learning Goal: help middle school children adapt, navigate, and learn in the online learning environment. Audience: Middle School Students & Teachers This week I really dug into the different controls and pop-ups that will help the student navigate through the Virtual Learning Platform. As I move through each screen I have realized that there are more buttons and controls needed and space needs to be made, so there has been a lot of tweaking and fine-tuning. As I work through this process I am moving into the prototype so I can see how each screen operates and get it ready to present to my user testing group early next week. I will be continuing to work on the various pages and elements thought the coming week. In thinking about how my thesis project could help middle school students across the country to better adapt to attending school virtually or within a hybrid classroom. I would love to continue to develop the platform and eventually present it to schools for distribution. The most useful and interesting thing I have learned this week is that the more in-depth I get into building this learning platform, the more I realize it entails. There are a lot of fine details that can make or break the effectiveness of the system! This week I spent some more time studying different virtual learning platforms and social media platforms to see how I can combine the best features and elements to create a space that would cater to the needs and interests of the middle school student. I began designing the social media portion of my learning platform, referred to as Connect. I shifted my screen size again because I realized that there were too many restraints working in the iPad size and I wanted to get in all the elements before adjusting to the iPad. I am designing based on Chrome Book measurements as that is what most school students have. I also made adjustments and refinements to the other areas of the platform based on feedback. Thesis Topic: Middle School Virtual Learning Goal: help middle school children adapt, navigate, and learn in the online learning environment. Audience: Middle School Students & Teachers
Andrea Tscheschlog
MFA Graphic Design Student at Academy of Art University of San Francisco (on-line) Archives
May 2022
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